retrofocus ramblings.

by the man-in-plastic – j. kiely jr., photographer, pilot, diver and sometimes nerd

Archive for April 11th, 2009

A One Image.

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This is a first. There are 365 front page above the fold pictures in the Boston Globe each year. On Saturday April 11, 2009 that picture was taken by me. In this case I made the image while at the behest of a commercial client who, in turn, distributed a small sub-set of images to the local media. AP also requested to use the picture. Off it went. Pretty amazing, although it all pales to what the photo shows. Amazing technology and skill at the BWH and darn fine people too. Just a cool lucky thing all around.

cover of Boston Globe - my picture in middle

Written by j.

April 11th, 2009 at 11:21 pm