retrofocus ramblings.

by the man-in-plastic – j. kiely jr., photographer, pilot, diver and sometimes nerd

Archive for the ‘travel’ tag

Thoughts From Travels.

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A few thoughts…
People still read – books. Yup, on pretty much every transportation mode I was on in the last 4 hours somebody had a book in their hand. On one occasion the Hispanic Spanish-Speaking bow-tie wearing boy behind me on the escalator in Boston’s Terminal C seemed to be reading his book to the person on the other end of his cellular phone call. Interesting.

You can take the A train subway from Columbus Circle to JFK, but it’s not quick. Plus, as the train moves into Brooklyn it’s pretty cozy.

Written by j.

February 5th, 2009 at 12:19 am

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Things To Avoid at Airport.

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I got up today plenty early.
I did, I really did.
Then why O why did I just slide into the boarding line at gate 34 by the skin of my teeth?

Poor intel!

That’s what I get for ASSUMING that the Logan Express shuttle bus runs every 30 minutes. Nope. Not on weekends it doesn’t. “Next Bus at 8:00″ read the slightly worn paper sign taped to the window. This was obviously a ploy by the man in the booth to save his vocal cords. It worked. And so began the gnawing in my stomach that lasted until 8 minutes ago.

However, truth be told, I’m ‘blogging from seat 18c on an Airbus A320. Riding JetBlue to JFK for a couple of days.

See ya!

Written by j.

January 31st, 2009 at 9:00 am

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