retrofocus ramblings.

by the man-in-plastic – j. kiely jr., photographer, pilot, diver and sometimes nerd

Crossing The Bridge.

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Another pretty full day of walking around New York City. Had a total of four possible museum stops on the day’s agenda and had a 50% success rate. Seems Monday’s are a common day for some of these places to be closed. Two were. I found them all with little issue, but it did require some traveling. Had a mixture of walking and subway as my means of getting around. One thing I did do was take the subway to Brooklyn and then took the walking path back over the bridge back into Manhattan. That was unique. Not sure I’ve done that particular stroll before. Actually busted out my D200 for that. Figures the autofocus on my off-brand 12-24 would go kaput today. Given the range I went back to some old-school lens twisting. Not a real issue with that wide of angles.

In the end for today here’s a snapshot of good old 30 Rock – The GE Building.

Written by j.

February 2nd, 2009 at 9:57 pm

Posted in personal,photography