retrofocus ramblings.

by the man-in-plastic – j. kiely jr., photographer, pilot, diver and sometimes nerd

Archive for the ‘current events’ Category

Twitter Find.

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I use Twitter for many things, but the most useful is as a news source. Follow the right things/people and you get a solid idea what is going on in the world in your stream.

Say what you will about the New York Times, but they still publish some great stuff.

This is one of them: Value of Manual Work

It’s a great read.

Written by j.

May 25th, 2009 at 9:39 pm

Things Done in Denver.

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I left ‘my’ newspaper. To date it still publishes something each day. I don’t check up on it all that often. To be honest, I’m done caring.
That’s kind of a loaded statement and not totally true.
It hurts too much to care most days. ( someday I’ll write about this – not yet )
More than halfway across the country a really nice well made, well reported and just a nice place to work from what I have been told no longer is anyplace at all to work.

The owners of the Rocky Mountain News have shut the doors.
The video that they have made of this closing is exceptionally well done.
You should check it out.

The Rocky’s Last Edition

Written by j.

February 27th, 2009 at 10:27 pm

Heard at The Academy Awards.

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During the In Memory portion of the show:

” The big difference between people, is not between the rich or the poor or the good and the evil, ’cause the biggest of all differences between people is between those who have had pleasure and love and those that haven’t. ” – Sweet Bird of Youth, by Tennessee Williams, film: 1962, by actor: Paul Newman, as: Chance Wayne

After doing some cursory research about the play from where the movie was derived it makes me wonder a bit more if this is really as positive as it sounds. Tennessee Williams wrote some real good words.

Written by j.

February 23rd, 2009 at 11:12 pm