retrofocus ramblings.

by the man-in-plastic – j. kiely jr., photographer, pilot, diver and sometimes nerd

Archive for the ‘whole foods’ tag

Whole Foods Rose – redux

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All apologies, the rose project ground to a sudden halt with the release of iOS 5 by Apple. Stupidly I tried to update the first moment and it took me two days to get my iPhone back working. In that time I lost the zest of the project. To summarize the single long stem rose from Whole Foods in Dedham MA lasted greater than 10 days before it bent at the top of the stem and continued to dry. The air in my office is rather dry, despite the rose itself being in a wine bottle filled with tap water. In the end I’d give the rose a very acceptable life span of 10 days before looking kind of sad.

Written by j.

October 25th, 2011 at 6:54 pm