retrofocus ramblings.

by the man-in-plastic – j. kiely jr., photographer, pilot, diver and sometimes nerd

Archive for the ‘cars’ tag

T5 Time Killing.

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Here I am sitting at a terminal bar in JetBlue’s new home. ( Free Wi-Fi! ) The bartender seems ready to head home. Since I’m drinking juice I don’t blame her. She just spent the last 15 minutes dolling herself up for somebody – lipstick, eyeliner, and the whole gamut. Given the rock on her finger I’m guessing she’s heading home to Papi.

Since this is my last 20 minutes in greater New York City I have one last image to post here. I decided to really use my ‘real’ camera while out for a morning stroll around Midtown. In an effort to be somewhat creative I abandoned my Nikkors and shot only with my LensBaby. I have one of the older styles with the set screws and plastic lens. It’s fun to play with. Specially on the streets of Manhattan pushing, pulling and twisting the thing around. Photography with two hands, imagine that!

In honor of the new motion picture in the theaters “Hotel For Dogs” I now present my homage – Hotel For Cars:

Written by j.

February 4th, 2009 at 4:48 pm